Friday 13 November 2015

"Simulated Pipeline Evaluation.
Stage: 2
Critically evaluate the work you are given.What methods and practice will you use to complete this stage?"

There were two vehicles mentioned in Malcolm’s pre production document but I have chosen to create concept art on the “hover car”.  The work/document I have been given to work from contains most of the information I need to know and has a lot of detail on the vehicles itself and especially the background of the game. One thing I would like to have explained to me more is where the vehicle description states “These (hover cars) are built using broken down items or parts that are damaged and can be fixed.” I’m not sure whether this is asking for the design and texture of the hover car to look like it was originally created from broken parts for a purpose or whether it just appears damaged for style. I’m also not sure what the appearance of the “broken parts” would be, whether they would be bits of broken vehicle or something else for example. I would also like to know more detail on the colour scheme of the car however I’m guessing it would be along the lines of the colour palette for the game. I’m thinking that the hover car should look futuristic as it is a futuristic vehicle concept and the game genre is sci-fi, however the document doesn’t suggest it to be futuristic. The game genre is also western themed and set in the desert so it could be either futuristic or western/historic. Other than that the document is very descriptive, from the target audience, genre and style, similar games, plot/story, colour palette and vehicle description. The colour palette is particularly useful as they represent the theme of an apocalypse, camouflage, dirty looking colours, which I can demonstrate/use in my concept art.  

Before I start my concept art I am going to gather more information from Malcolm on what he meant by the car being built using broken down items as well as the colours of the car so that I have a better understanding on the texture and build of it. I will also find out whether he wants it be futuristic or not. Once I’ve found out these things I should have a clearer understanding on the idea which will allow me to begin researching into it. I’m going to research into cars especially of a similar form/shape to “oval” as the document suggests, like sports cars as they have a streamlined figure making them shaped slightly oval. I’m hoping to get inspiration from this research on how I will design and fit together the layout of the car body. I will then research the same for hovercraft's to get a better idea on what is included within the body and how they generally tend to appear. I can also refer back to the reference images at the back of the document for further inspiration or understanding.

When I begin designing I will do sketches using my blue sketch pencil then go over it in normal pencil, because the blue pencil makes rough marks and doesn't show up enough to get in the way of the final drawing. I will draw features I could include within further designs, I should get these key features from my research combined with the documents requirements. After I have achieved many feature ideas, I will start playing around with full ideas for my concept art, making sure to include some of those features. I will draw a variety of ideas so that I can then combine them or use them to develop into other ideas. Once I have created enough concept art to develop a final idea, I will work on the final idea alone, putting greater depth of detail into it and making adjustments to it along the way if necessary. I will also make sure to record the process and any adjustments made along the way and why they were made.

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