Friday 20 November 2015

Simulated Pipeline Evaluation Sheet.

Name: Georgette Mutlow

Stage: 3

Critically evaluate the work you are given. What methods and practice will you use to complete this stage?

The concept art I have been given to work from is a hover bike, a very creative, unique design, demonstrated from two angles: a front and side view which helps me to have a better understanding of what the vehicle looks like from other angles. However, the turn-around isn’t very accurate, it would be a bit more helpful if each of the angles were to scale with each other as it might be hard when modelling to work out the sizing of things. The shapes have been quite roughly sketched which can make some parts hard to figure out, however I can either ask the artist if I get confused on the idea or work around it and go with what I think it would look like. Maybe another view of the design would be helpful to model it as the more views shown, the easier it would be to imagine in 3D.
I personally think the concept art communicates its idea effectively of representing a hover bike, I didn’t have to question the artist on the design at all as it follows the shape of a normal (motor) bike but has a twist to it as it hovers, which you can see by the propulsion units at the base of the design. I’m questioning how I’ll model this part but I will research into it when I come across it.
I definitely think the model is not too simple, and should take all the time given to model as it is quite complex but only a reasonable amount, not too difficult for the amount of time I have been given. The two designs are very different from each other as a bus and motorbike don’t have much in relation, almost so much that they could be from separate games, however they both include one main feature/theme which is the hovering system, this makes them link greatly.
When I begin modelling, if I come across any confusion in the design then I will ask the artist for more information on it and then if necessary note it down so I remember when I come to modelling it. Maybe if there’s parts of the hover bike that I’m not sure what would appear like in 3D then I could research to see what it would actually look like, if already existing. I might also sketch the other angles of the design once gathered more detail so that I can refer to it when modelling.
There are many modelling techniques I may use, some that I have in mind currently are using the curve tool which will help me to create a shape following the shape of the specific curve. Another being the edge loop tool which I will definitely use in order to keep my shapes smooth or to perhaps define the shape. As I mentioned earlier, I’m thinking that creating the flame like effect within the propulsion units may be difficult but if I get stuck on it after attempting it, I can research into ways of doing it.

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