Sunday 7 February 2016


  1. Spaceship
  2. Witch


  1. To have some concepts which aren't based on the stereotypical witch - realistically, witches didn't look how we see them now, so I will attempt to create some concepts which aren't focused on the stereotype.
  2. Use the idea of helmets- Considering this weeks concepts are head figures only and one of my themes are spaceship, I think an interesting yet clear way to get that theme across would be to include spaceship/sci-fi type helmets as they are very futuristic and recognizable as well as being suitable for various designs and layouts.
  3. To also have concept which are based on the stereotypical witch- The typical witch features such as sharp features, pointed hat and a broomstick, are instantly recognizable therefore I think considering the difficulty of combining the two themes, I should experiment using these features as it gets the witch theme across clearly and easily.

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