Wednesday 24 February 2016

Steam trains are the base of steam powered vehicles, therefore I thought they'd be a suitable example to study and gather ideas of the system and how they work for my later concepts.

This is mood board based on the Victorian Chinese as their fashion encouraged the Steampunk style.

This research I gathered from, generalizes steampunk as a romantic sub genre of sci-fi and fantasy. It states how around the era of steampunk people saw "nothing wrong with imposing their civilisation on others" and that they were "confident" and their "optimism was high". They later use "Howl's Moving Castle" as an example for steampunk with "straight fantasy".
With the influence from my previous research I decided to look into Howl's Moving Castle's take on the steam punk theme.

This image shows other vehicles based from the past era which steam punk is based in. You see a lot of steam throughout the atmosphere which is coming from steam powered vehicles, also linking to the theme.

The model of Howl's "Moving Castle"; It includes pipes, metal scraps, is steam powered and generally based the past era, perhaps 18/1900s.

My second musician mood board. It gives me reference for poses and ways they stand which makes their musician trait clear. For instance most musicians don't stand and perform with neutral body language, they use it to show their passion and emotion.
This is my second steampunk mood board which gives me more ideas on outfits and features I could take influence from. From my research it seems that most characters following the steam punk theme, stand with confidence. I'm not sure why this is but I can take note on it when designing my concepts.

This is my third steampunk mood board which focusses mainly on features included when following this theme. Such as cogs, keys, feathers, goggles, clocks, belt straps and basically anything mechanical and old fashioned (specifically from the 1800s as I know from previous research during week 1).

Sunday 21 February 2016


Line of action on basic poses
Focusing on fears of clowns, animals/beasts/dogs, nurses/doctors/hospitals and spiders.
Taking influence off The Ring (center picture), zombies  and Frankenstein's Monster. Also taking cultural influence with religion and wild cultures.

The Ring - Popular horror movie I will base a concept on