Sunday 31 January 2016

Week 3

Two themes:

  1. Underwater
  2. Shopkeeper
Three rules:

    1. Must be wearing an apron - I think this feature would make the shopkeeper element of my concepts, very obvious. My research provided me with this idea as I noticed that shopkeepers have a theme of typically wearing aprons.
    2. Has to include under water creature type features such as fish tails and tentacles - Like wise to the previous rule, I think if my concepts have features of underwater creatures, the theme will instantly be recognizable.
    3. Must explore various types of shopkeepers - There are all sorts of different kinds of shopkeepers and I think this can really effect the appearance. Such as, you would imagine a black smith to be of a big, strong build, or perhaps a comic store keeper could appear lazy and of a more relaxed build. 

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