Sunday 24 January 2016

Troll Research

"Trolls are monsters that come from Scandinavian myths and Nordic fantasy. Trolls are called Trows in myths from the Shetlands. Trolls are not especially intelligent and are often associated with an element. The most common description of Trolls is a tough ugly creature with tough rock like skin. Trolls have the powers to regenerate even if hacked apart. The only way to stop a Troll regenerating is burning the monster. Trolls diet is unusual, as they will eat anything including metal, bone, wood and rocks. The stomachs of trolls contain very powerful digestive acids. This has led Trolls to an unpleasant form of attack of vomiting over their target; this is an extremely painful attack. Sometimes Trolls use basic hand weapons such as clubs or large stones."

This piece of research gives me the idea to create distinct, ugly looking trolls. This suits my rule of using typical troll type features - such as long noses, pointed, long ears, different body structures (linking to my other theme), this could also depend on the diet of the troll as the research states "trolls eat anything including metal, bone, wood and rocks".

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