Sunday 31 January 2016

Shopkeeper Research

This is one of the merchants from The Legend Of Zelda, his build is hunched and with an almost aggressive stance and emotion. The design proves the typical unwelcoming appearance of shopkeepers/merchants that many concepts tend to follow, to make them look serious about their trade.

Week 3

Two themes:

  1. Underwater
  2. Shopkeeper
Three rules:

    1. Must be wearing an apron - I think this feature would make the shopkeeper element of my concepts, very obvious. My research provided me with this idea as I noticed that shopkeepers have a theme of typically wearing aprons.
    2. Has to include under water creature type features such as fish tails and tentacles - Like wise to the previous rule, I think if my concepts have features of underwater creatures, the theme will instantly be recognizable.
    3. Must explore various types of shopkeepers - There are all sorts of different kinds of shopkeepers and I think this can really effect the appearance. Such as, you would imagine a black smith to be of a big, strong build, or perhaps a comic store keeper could appear lazy and of a more relaxed build. 

Tuesday 26 January 2016

                      Underwater Research

Bootstrap Bill Turner
Pirates Of The Caribbean is good example for underwater themed characters. It involves several characters which are based underwater or from that relevance, such as Bootstrap Bill Turner and Davy Jones and his crew and the mermaids. The concept theme for these characters was obviously pirates and underwater, however I think I could take great influence from the features of these characters such as the tentacles and underwater growth on them. I think their ideas and designs are really interesting, clever and clear because it gets the theme across instantly and each character is so unique and extremely detailed.
Davy Jones

Sunday 24 January 2016

Some primary research of an example of a creature from the fantasy/fairy tale genre.
Fairy Tale Research

"A fairy tale is a type of short story that typically features European folkloric fantasy characters, such as dwarves, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, goblins, mermaids, trolls or witches and usually magic or enchantments. Fairy tale may be distinguished from other folk narratives such as legends and explicity moral tales, including beast fables."

This selection of research points out that trolls are originally from fairy tales, therefore the two themes shouldn't be too difficult to combine as they both cover the same "fantasy" theme.

"The term is also used to describe something blessed with unusual happiness, as in "fairy tale ending" (a happy ending) or "fairy tale romance" (though not all fairy tales end happily). Colloquially, a fairy tale can also mean any far fetched story or tall tale; it is used especially of any story that not only is not true, but could not possibly be true."

This also points out how the fairy tale theme is unrealistic and unique - couldn't become possible in the realistic world. It also mentions how fairy tales are usually unrealistically happy, so i'm thinking of creating concepts for character with perhaps a positive aesthetic.

Troll Research

"Trolls are monsters that come from Scandinavian myths and Nordic fantasy. Trolls are called Trows in myths from the Shetlands. Trolls are not especially intelligent and are often associated with an element. The most common description of Trolls is a tough ugly creature with tough rock like skin. Trolls have the powers to regenerate even if hacked apart. The only way to stop a Troll regenerating is burning the monster. Trolls diet is unusual, as they will eat anything including metal, bone, wood and rocks. The stomachs of trolls contain very powerful digestive acids. This has led Trolls to an unpleasant form of attack of vomiting over their target; this is an extremely painful attack. Sometimes Trolls use basic hand weapons such as clubs or large stones."

This piece of research gives me the idea to create distinct, ugly looking trolls. This suits my rule of using typical troll type features - such as long noses, pointed, long ears, different body structures (linking to my other theme), this could also depend on the diet of the troll as the research states "trolls eat anything including metal, bone, wood and rocks".
Week 2

Two Themes:

  1. Fairy tale
  2. Troll
Three Rules:

  1. Has to include typical troll features - Trolls are often recognized through their exaggerated, ugly features, often the long pointed ears. I'm thinking to include over sized ears in most of my concepts.
  2. To appear as unrealistic as possible - Fairy tale's go against realism completely. Their objective is to create a fantasy unique to the ordinary, therefore I think my designs should be unique and unrealistic also. 
  3. Each concept must have a unique build - Troll's are known for their unique shapes and sizes, likewise to the previous rule; their shapes exaggerate their difference to realism.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Basic shapes of characters, building from basic shapes.
Ideas and annotations for the rough shapes for a female character.

Idea and annotations for the rough shapes for a male character.

Developing on ideas and silhouettes.
Detailed and progressed  female designs.
Detailed and progressed male design.

Digitally drawn male design.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Hover Bike Render

Lighthouse Render

                        Quick-fire Concepts

     Two themes:
  1. Steampunk
  2. Musician
    Three rules:

  1. Has to include an instrument - Since part of the theme for my concept art is 'Musician' I think it is crucial to include a musical instrument as it will instantly demonstrate this trait of the character.
  2. Clothing should draw from 1800's fashion- Steampunk is based during the 1800's therefore I think it'd be appropriate for the fashion sense of the concepts to also follow this era's theme.
  3. Has to include a mechanical element- Steampunk is also generally based on technology powered by steam so I think it's key to include a mechanical element as it'll make it instantly recognisable as a Steampunk themed concept.

                            1800's Fashion

This mood board is helping to give me an idea as to what the 1800's fashion was like, this should help me to design the clothing for the characters as Steampunk is based upon this era. I made sure to research a variety between both male and female so that my concepts are not restricted.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

                        Steampunk Research

Steampunk is basically modern technology powered by steam and set during the 1800's. Steampunk is based on creativity and the declaration of an individual style, hence the word 'punk'. Jules Verne and H.G. Wells are known as the authors of Steampunk as well as being part of the foundation of science fiction. Steam punk as evolved greatly over the years, coming from being a sub-genre of science fiction and fantasy, it has now extended into engineering, fashion, music and even a lifestyle. 

Using this small gathering of information, I know to research further into the time period of the 1800's as it would be a good idea to take influence throughout my concept art from the clothing and costume style of this era. It also demonstrates the forms in which I can encounter and include 'steampunk' throughout my concept designs. The fact it takes form as a fashion develops on my already existing idea of looking into the 1800's fashion style. Like wise to it taking form through music which develops on the musician side to my theme. I could perhaps combine the ideas of music and engineering by creating a design for a steam powered/steampunk styled instrument. 
This is a moodboard focusing on the 'Musician' theme that includes images which will be useful for reference of musician character stances and instruments that I could encounter. 
This is a mood board focusing on the 'Steampunk' theme, representing it's key features which I could later use in my concept art.