Tuesday 6 October 2015

Final Render


This is my final render after the adjustments I made. I also tinted the scene slightly yellow because the photo's I took for primary research also had a sort of musky yellow tint. This render represents the slenderness of the architecture much more than my previous render because the camera angle if from the floor - looking up. My final render delivers the same visual message as my research because during my research I noticed key features within the themes such as Gothic and Romanesque, which I then included in my final piece e.g cobbled stone walls, arches, spikes and the castling. It suits it's purpose as it provides a rotating light which guides in ships. It refers to my concept art 1 as it's pretty much the same however I added a few more features, such as the door and another window. If I had more time I would of added more detail such as gargoyles as they are one of the most recognisable features on this kind of castle architecture. I would of made them on Mudbox and then transferred it to Maya, duplicating it across the building. If I could change anything then I would make the grass base and the sky background more realistic. I also might of slightly sculpted the spikes differently to look more cone like.  

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